

Friday, 21 May 2010

Birthday Bonus

No update for a while due to moving house...
With my birthday on Wednesday I decided to head down to Normandy Lagoon, Lymington, searching for the Osprey, Long tailed Duck and a few others that had been recorded in the area.

No luck there, but I managed to increase my year tick list from 99 to 103, the new additions being a Lesser Whitethroat, some Little Gulls, Dunlin and a Reed Warbler.

Also managed to snap a few Tern shots and a Dartford Warbler..

Monday, 3 May 2010

Fledglings too.

A quick walk around the Lakes this morning and noticed a rather noisy Grey Wagtail on one of the Mill streams.

Every 5 minutes or so - a parent bird would arrive and ram a beak full of flys into its gaping mouth.


Friday 30th April and Spring has arrived at Rooksbury.
The meadow areas of the Reserve are yellow with flowering Cowslips and finally some newborns to see.

Coots on the main lake, ugly but you cant help going 'Ahhh' at something so small.
Moorhen chicks that look no larger than a black 'pingpong' ball. Its amazing how something so small can survive in a worlds where many things would consider it a quick snack!

The Cetti Warblers can still be heard, and occasionally seen.. as well as a pair of Sedge Warblers that are nesting on the edge of the lake. (better pic to follow, hopefully)