

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Down by the river.

Again on holiday, I heard that there was a Dipper on the river that runs through the village I was staying in..

Thinking, hmmm, thats more of a shallow stream than a river, I followed it towards the coast and as it grew in size, so did my expectations..
and then success.. bad pictures, but thats me! But deffo a Dipper sighting..

And in the afternoon, I headed to the village of Beer, well you would, wouldnt you...
Unfortunately no 'Welcome to Beer' signs, but on the Axmouth Estuary were plenty of Curlew.
Apparently the village of Beer is twinned with 'Hangover'.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Portland Bill.

My first ever trip to Portland provided a few new year ticks, Guillemots, Fulmar, Stonechat, Common Scoter and a Rock Pipit, but my favourite shot was this one below.

A female Kestrel that just hung in the sea breeze, looking for rodents on the slopping cliff faces.

What do Guillemots and Cormorants talk about? The price of fish?