With rain forecast for mudday, I thought id go off and take a few more Autumn pics..
I remembered one place that looked amazing from the past.. A track down to a farm lined with Sycamore Trees. Too Late!!!! Most leaves off trees.. D'oh!
So carried on to Lambourn to catch up with people at my old work, when I remembered this old Watering Hole that is left when the River Lambourn dries out. Plenty of Finches and Pipits bathing..
Plus half a dozen Yellowhammers, that I needed for my Facebook A-Z of Birds Album..
So I went away happy.
After a quick nip to my old work, it was still sunny so I thought Id head out to Raptor Alley..
A long road that has farm land and telegraph poles on each side for 4 miles (near Woolley and Chaddleworth)...
From my days of cycling around there, I knew this area was a hotbed for Raptors...
Buzzards, Kestrels and Kites have made this home and I doubt you would never see at least 1 of each, anytime of the year..
And happily snapped this Red Kite.. One of 3 that were circling there.. and one of a dozen I saw in the space of a few miles..
I recognise Lucky when I see it.. ;o)

After Raptor Alley, I headed to Dinton Pastures near Winnersh..
A Bittern had been repeatedly reported at Lavills Lake LNR on http://www.berksbirds.co.uk and I need this for my YEARLIST.
I sat there for 2 hours or more.. Local knowledge folks. You cant beat it and it saves you from freezing you 'arris' off!!!
No Bittern, but I have a better idea of when to go now.
Whilst there I snapped a very brave Little Grebe.. Normally a shy bird, but someone forgot to tell this one!! And of course.. you cant go anywhere near water without seeing Cormorants these days..
A cold, but goooood day..