

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Whoosh, that was Summer!!

Moving to a Farm has been great, but I cant believe 7 months have gone past and I haven't had hardly ANY adventures, either locally or down the coast etc.

It is worryingly easy to sit here and do nothing.. Either chill with a few beers in the garden with neighbour Joe, or just relax and do nowt.. I'm actually an expert at the latter now... probably the first part too if the truth was known.

Anyhoo.. Its pretty much business as usual here. Probably been naughty and fed the birds all summer, but its been great watching the woodpeckers every day.. Maximum number has been 7!! After a few weeks of no visits, there are a pair now visiting again.
Migration has provided a Wheatear and Redstart in the paddocks. Still can't believe those 'garden ticks'..  Joe has seen Yellow Wag, Pied Flycatcher in the car park and Green Sandpiper over.. But he's an expert ;o)

So Autumn is here and the sunsets recently have been stunning to say the least. But the nights..  the nights are sooooo chilly, the woodburner is lit most evenings.. Living here isn't the cheapest, but for quality of life - very hard to beat :o)

The visiting Redstart, en route back to Africa.

The view from my cottage over the paddocks.

One of the many horses and ponies on the farm.

Last night's sunset.