A quick check of the local fields around Kintbury today in the hope of snapping some boxing Hares.
I've seen them here regularly, but nature rarely plays by the rules and to be honest, I don't really know anything about Hares
The first field near Kintbury had 6 Hare sat in the middle of. I watched them for a while but they didn't move, not even to eat. The field was massive and they were a very long way off. The chance of getting any decent pictures was very remote, bordering on the side of impossible. Guessing that the lack of activity was because the ladies weren't in season, I got bored of watching and tried somewhere else.
A mile or so up the road and 4 more were sat in a different field, again not doing very much at all.
I spent some more time watching and they moved a bit. A very brief bit of boxing but more a case of chasing each other off. A female was anchored herself down in a form and was being heavily guarded by a male. The 2 others in the area were also males and were just waiting.... patiently in the distance.
I'm sure it wont be long before there is some more action, but seeing this weekend's weather forecast - I think I'll pass.
A stand off.
Followed by a bit of chasing around.
She settles back in her form.
Guarding his lady, cleaning his feet.
He has all day, no rush.