

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Martin Down.

Two more year ticks today on a trip to NNR Martin Down.  Link  My first visit after driving past a few times en route to Portland.

We went looking for Turtle Dove, Corn Bunting, both missing from my year list, and whatever else was there to be seen.  Pleasingly we succeeded on both of those and managed to spot my first 'self found' Lesser Whitethroat, (which I was very pleased about) and got some good views of a cuckoo.
The reserve is massive and I'd love to go back in a month or so when all the wild flowers including orchids are in bloom.

A few pics from the today's trip.   Year list now on 178 😀

Lesser Whitethroat 

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Three more ticks! (edit - FOUR)

Testwood Lakes this morning for a Wood Sandpiper that was listed.
Took a while to locate but got a few shots. That, and 3 Little Ringed Plover were year ticks.

Job done, it was then on to Fishlake Meadows to try and see some of the Hobby that have been listed this week.
Just viewing from the road, rather than walking in to the middle, keeping the sun behind me, I managed to snap a couple that were hawking over the lakes.   And a Great White Egret.  The former also being a year tick. Now on 175!!   Eeeek!   (click on the images to enlarge.)
Thanks for reading.

 And some deer on the way home along Red Rice.

UPDATED - in the evening, whilst sat in a friend's garden that borders open farmland, a Tawny Owl flew along the fenceline, less than 10 metres away from us. Yeartick number 176!