Last year it was Normandy / Pennington, this year searching for a few new Yearticks, myself and my friend (and knowledgable guide) Joe hit the New Forest.. The first time Id really spent any decent time here, despite driving through it probably hundreds of times.
1st stop was a lovely area called Acres Down. A Raptor view point offered great views..
Cuckoos, Stonechat, Woodlark and Tree Pipits.. the last 2 being 'lifers' for me - all showed very well. Sat on the hill top, we could feel ourselves cooking in the Sun.. after 2 hours and an increasing crowd of plonkers, we decided to head into the woodland.. This was a very wise move as it offered amazing views of Redstart and Wood Warblers.. again, 2 lifers.. Going with an expert really makes a difference as Joe picked out a Firecrest in a nearby Pine Tree.
Today was going really well..
From the New Forest, we headed to Stockbridge, in search of a mythical creature.. Turtle Dove... Never seen one, heard one and am seriously doubting whether they are made up!! But continue the search.
Lots of Butterfly on Stockbridge Down.. Someone asked us if we had seena Duke of Burgundy?? It s a Butterfly apparently.. obviously we hadnt. But a Willow Warbler was showing well.