Garganey and Black Tern in good numbers in or near Oxford had been reported for the last few days.
First call was at Port Meadow.. a marshy area to the West of Oxford near the Thames. I had some rough directions, and you'd think that was enough?? Oh no.. Lots of One Way Streets and roads blocked with bollards meant it was more of a challenge to find the Marsh and somehwere to park than it was to find the Garganey.. Thank god you can now have GPS on Blackberrys. I suppose I should really buy a Satnav, but Im a cyclist!! we worship the Ordanance Survey Map God!
Marsh found, its big with the sun in my face.. Not helpful.. But to the right is a man with a Scope - always look for a man with a Spotting Scope.. saves a lot of checking every bloody Mallard! He's on the Garganey, only one (of the 3 previously listed) and its nice and close.
Yearlist now on 160.. Marvellous.

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