

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Garden catch up..

Haven't updated for a while..  I know no-one reads this, but it keeps me off the streets ;o)

So, the garden..  With the very cold and grey Winter, it took a while, but then - BOOM.... so many fledglings..  Blue, Coal and Great Tits, House Sparrows, Dunnocks, Robins and my fave garden visitors - Great Spotted Woodies..
And then,  a juvenile Green Woody showed up !!
Even the regularly visiting mouse could steal the limelight.

Feeding was easier in the Nest Box.

These guys recognise a novice when they see one.

The first of 2 successful Robin batches.. Am embarrassed to say they have been nesting very closed to the patio doors..  Reckon we're good neighbours.

Had 7 of these at my last place..  (a lot to be said for feeding all year round) 
This year, at least 2 juvs.

A garden would be boring without them.

 Of course, there are always scraps under the bird feeders.

And those visits always keep Kea (the cat) enthralled.

 And then.... jackpot...  A juv Green Woody.. Been hearing it for more than a week.. 
 Then decided to try and snap it..  Very pleased with the results.

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