

Monday, 18 April 2016

On to 'grazing' pastures new..


If you've found this page, it's probably because I've asked you to read it from my facebook or twitter page. So thank you for stopping by.

As most of you will know, the redundancy ship called in at the Neighbourhood Warden port and sadly we were put on Redundancy notice a week or two ago. (The last month+ has been a bit of a blur).
Negotiations are believed to still be on going between some of our excellent funders, but the clock is ticking and the chance of saving the scheme is looking very slim. (that I know of). This despite overwhelming and very humbling support from resident, Councillors and other Partner Agencies.
We have all been told to seek other employment if we can.

It's been a tough time, since the last week of Feb when we were told the host organisation was pulling out.
We were (are) good. Good workers, good PR for our employers, (in an industry where they don't get very much), good for the communities, but most of all, it was good for me! I loved the job and the freedom it gave, the reputation we had worked so hard to build and then sustain, the partner agencies we worked with... I could go on for a while!
But many more important jobs before us have been cut and we do consider ourselves lucky to get this far in a world with no money.
At first we believed a rescue package would be found, (maybe it still will). In cycling a manager is often told that the sponsor is pulling out and he must find a new one.  Riders stay loyal and hope something can be found for the next season.
In our situation, the management is pulling out, leaving the sponsor and riders to find their own way. Us 'riders' are very grateful to the sponsors (Councils) and out of loyalty and want, you cant walk away from people who are fighting so hard for your services. It's been a headf*ck to say the least.

Personally I've been looking around, halfheartedly at job sites. This is only my third job! The previous two have been in the leisure industry. What the hell next?
I had an interview at Andover Leisure Centre but the pay was a lot less than certainly I felt it deserved. Seems there isn't much money in the leisure industry any more.
Ultimately I thought I'd try and hang on to the end of the scheme, take the Summer off to watch Le Tour and help with child care in the Summer Holidays, then actively 'job hunt' for something in the Autumn.

Rach, my other half, suggested I took the time to retrain. But what?

Myself and my colleague Jim in the past have discussed what we'd do if the job folded. We have felt we have been close a couple of times in recent years. Chats like that make you think about what you enjoy about the job and many times in recent years I have said 'maybe something in conservation'?

Working in such a green area, me and Jim love to get out in the countryside, spotting Red Kite or Badger etc. And then there has been all the conservation projects we've been lucky enough to get involved with - in work time.  Things like The Renewal Project  on the River Lambourn, or helping the local Ornithologists clear islands at Lower Farm Gravel Pits, for waders to nest on.
Basically any excuse to don the waders or cut and burn stuff.
Just last week we cleared a blocked 'badger run' in Bagnor, found by patrolling 'off piste'. You wont believe how many rough sleepers we have found by patrolling the more rural parts of the parishes.
I've led our Junior Wardens on Nature Walks and got them involved in the RENEWAL river clear ups too. Trying to inspire the next generation sounds like a cliche, but hopefully you know what I mean.
Nature is a passion for me, but if you know me and / or read this blog you'll know that already.

So, conservation...
Following the BBOWT account on the work twitter account I saw that they were offering a Conservationist Trainee's post on Greenham Common.

Learn skills like hedge laying, wildlife surveying, heath and river management etc. Right up my street.
The catch? it's voluntary. A years training at three days a week, but no salary.

I've tried to embrace the whole redundancy thing as 'doors opening'. There are no other warden schemes and unless I go back to leisure, I will be doing something new.
When you have an amazing job, the next move has to be a good one. I liked the sound of the BBOWT traineeship. Through work I know a lot of them and they are a good bunch. The redundancy package that ten years service offered would help to see me though the financial income drought. Hopefully!

So apply I did. Last Tuesday I had the interview, and on Friday I was offered the post.
Today I told my employer and I start mid May, the week after my birthday.

If only I could start a week earlier! I have been informed that is the week they are tracking 'tagged' adders!

Leaving will be sad. So many goodbyes to say to so many people I've got to know so well over the last decade, but...

 I think I'm going to enjoy this!

Leading Greenham kids on a self guided Nature Walk.

Taking our Junior Wardens around the Nature Discovery Centre.

Aint no party like a (Lower Farm) Bird Hide party!


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