

Monday, 16 May 2016

Tales of the river bank - New life!

Lots of blog posts of days out recently, (or back to normal again), and haven't updated on life at Rooksbury for a while. So here it is.

Spring has sprung! Bird eggs are hatching and the Water Voles are increasing in what is already a good number. Moorhens were the first birds to hatch on the river, along with one set of ducklings a couple of weeks ago. The Swallows have returned and Blackcap are very noisy.

The resident Mute Swan pair have been on eggs since sometime at the end of March and this weekend they hatched. All but one of the eggs successfully hatched and we now have six cygnets and two proud parents.
The reserve has been very busy over the weekend with people coming out to see them. Sounds great, but I prefer the place when it's quiet.  Only last Friday I had a go at two people for standing only a few feet away from a Treecreeper nest, in order to get that 'money shot'. Scare them away! What you gonna photograph then?


I've seen two separate litters of Water Vole. Three eating in the same place last week and another one on a different part of the river a fortnight ago. Stood on one of the bridges on Friday I saw FIVE water vole in a 10 metre stretch of the river. 2 adults / 3 babies. They really are thriving here.
Also caught a pair scrapping last week. Most of the action happened behind reeds, but I did get a shot or two.

Although having a good number of coot and tufted duck, after a few lean years, (possibly due to the otter occupation) I've yet to see a nest or any of their young. Fingers crossed it happens again soon.

My personal favourite has been the nesting Bullfinch. So often my nemesis of a bird. I hear many and occasionally see some fly off, but more than often they are perched high up in a tree and I am left with pictures of their bellies, obscured by a dozen branches etc.
At the moment I see a pair regularly visiting a Willow covered in Ivy on the river bank. Standing in the right spot I can watch the Bullfinch and Water Vole at the same time.
What's not to like?

(Click on the pics to enlarge)
 Baby water vole.

 Mallard ducklings

Another young vole on a different part of the river.

 The cygnets started to hatch on Fri 13 May.

Treecreeper collecting food for its young.

Mon 16 May and they were out on the lakes.

 Always wondered what would happen when two of the adult voles met.

 They didnt tolerate each other for long.

 Fledgling Long Tailed Tit.

 A shot many years in the making! Very pleased to finally snap a Bullfinch.

This week is the last in my Neighbourhood Warden job. The training with BBOWT starts next Tuesday. I'm very much looking forward to learning new conservational skills and working with some very knowledgeable people. We also have '30 DAYS WILD' starting in a fortnight and I shall attempt to blog regularly about both experiences.

Until then, thanks for reading.

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