

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Did I mention we might have hedgehogs??

Ok, If you have read the last blog piece or follow me on social media ( thanks by the way) you will know we have a couple of hedgehogs visiting. Enough to make me buy a trailcam and film FOUR in one video! We knew we occasionally had three in the garden, or maybe just once we saw three, I forget, but the beauty of the trailcam is that whilst we were celebrating three in the garden, the trailcam caught another at the top of the screen. FOUR! Not a family group of youngsters, fully grown! Who has seen that many in a garden before? (on an estate, where the in and out hole is next to a road)!

We are lucky.. Gotta keep remembering that as I buy more mealworm and hedgehog food.
I've thought about opening a Hedgehog Wine Bar, where people bring wine to watch our hedgehogs, or sponsor some food to get their own private hog clips... Although I'm busier than ever, I'm not earning at the moment, is it ok to cash in on hodgepigs?

So how did we get so lucky?

Ive noticed a bit of hedgehog poo in the garden for a while. Small single bits over the course of the Spring, then one day, when sat in the conservatory we noticed a bum disappear in to the bushes. The next night - the same... And that started the feeding. I didnt want to put cat food down, or event specialist hedgehog food down, as we get enough cats in the garden anyways. So opted for meal worm.
Cats wont eat them, but according to the t'interweb, hedgehogs love them.
And so they do!!

They wouldnt eat the specialist, (expensive) hedgehog food for a while so mixed it with even more meal worm, but they eventually came around to the idea. I still put meal worm in, but that's more to stop any cats. Does it work? I don't know.

Borrowing an old photo of the garden, (it's dark as I write this) I have marked our key hedgehog areas.

So what has the trailcam been capturing??

First clip, Four hedgehogs!!

There is one we call Scratchy. A female who itches a lot!

Sometimes I wonder if they can really see in the dark, lots of random stumbling in the dark.

And just when you find some food, someone sits in the food bowl and hogs it all!

Could go on all night posting videos, the trailcam batteries arent lasting long! Each morning there is around 40 clips to go through - but, I consider that to be a good problem to have :-)

Off to the South Coast tomorrow to see the white knuckled sandpiper, or whatever it is... Bet I just see Dunlin...

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