

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Whoosh! And it's nearly the end of 2024!!!

Not done one of these for a while!   ( i know.  I say that quite often).  With socail media, maybe its time to bin it?  But first, an update.

I moved to Weymouth in April 2023 and swapped an arable and woodland neighbourhood for a coastal one. This blog is heavily populated with posts from trips to the sea side.  I guess you get complacent with what is on your doorstep, and being landlocked in Berkshire, I was always daydreaming of days down the coast, seeing ducks, waders and what ever was there at the time, but moreso, just being by the sea! I used to say I got 'sea withdrawal symptons', and I really believe that.

Throwing life up in the air, and taking a leaf out of my best mate's book, I took a chance and moved down to the edge of Portland Harbour, at Ferrybrige in Weymouth, for a new life. The old life was ok, but I was ready for a new one. Life by myself, in an 18th century cottage, was damp and expensive, and friends come and go.  And recently it's been more so - go.  

But what a 527 days it's been!  Back to working for the local authority, with really nice people. I'm  dating a wonderful, amazing, beautiful, kind lady, and I currently live 180 metres from the sea. My best mate is just over the way, and our new Communal Beer Bench overlooks Portland Harbour and 'the rock',  I've basically been on holiday for almost 18 months!   

And the wildlife!!  I've had a Black Redstart 'garden tick'.  Seen 4 of the 5 UK grebes in one afternoon, on the doorstep.  The common Little Grebe being the missing one from that list.  I'm a 10 minute drive, across the causeway and up the hill from the Portland Bird Obs, where I used to and still do 'holiday' at.  It's nice to rock up at the Obs and chat for ages, before realising you have left your 'bins' in the car and actually came to birdwatch. 

Will I get more time to post on here?  I don't know.  I have only taken my camera out a few times since moving down. I'd like to, it's a mecca for birding. If only there were more hours in the day...

A few pics from the last 18 months - the new neighbours..  

Great Black Backed Gull nesting on the house opposite me.

A long staying Long Tailed Duck at Ferrybridge

A Portland Peregrine

and Little Owl

Two Great Northern Diver.  There was at least 6 wintering in the harbour.

Anything can drop in at Ferrybridge.  Like this Whimbrel

And a Grey Plover.

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